Thursday, January 5, 2012

Who am I ?

I am ‘longings’. I am ‘fears’.
I am a sea; besotted. I am death in spring.
I am a gloomy dark night of longing.
I am ‘hopes’. I am ‘faiths’.
I am a silent time; wandering. I am shadow in sunlight.
I am a frozen mist blinded in passion.
I am ‘memories’. I am ‘pains’. 


Natasha Deboo said...

Nice :)

Anonymous said...

Long no more, for its in your heart, that you seek...

Amit Raina said...

I am ‘memories’. I am ‘pains’. wonderful Aditya :)

KZ said...

Amazing Sir!!

Totha said...

You are an "Evolvement"... :)
wonderful lines, Adi

Anonymous said...

Beautiful, thank you for sharing.